Jan 10, 2023
Welcome to episode 235 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra is joined by James(@that1welderguy) from @Dr_Stone_Pod and @devilbatpod.
We cover the news (1:22), discuss ep 14/127 Hellish Hell (5:33), take listener thoughts on the episode (15:24) and discuss our spoiler thoughts (18:00). We read through Chapter 377 "The Chain Thus Far" (21:39) and talk about our thoughts on the chapter (31:34). We also take listener thoughts on the manga (44:39).
Then we thank our patrons (54:31) and round it out (55:32).
And a big thank you to our patrons Trainee: KCG,Zachary, That1Welder Guy, Jenna, Kendra, The Real Jory, and Robert. Pro Heros: Yuriko and Morgan
James' Podasts: Kicking Stones Podcast https://kickingstonespod.libsyn.com/
Deal With the Devils: https://anchor.fm/devilbatpod
Kendra's other Podcast: The View From the Top https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/view-from-the-top/id1452919177
You can donate to Aseel a charity helping the people of Afghanistan here: https://aseelapp.com/en_us/providing-smokeless-bread-making-stoves-for-a-safe-and-healthy-home-environment.html
MHAP Patreon https://www.patreon.com/MHAPod
@MHAPOD myheropod@gmail.com www.mhapod.com