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My Hero Academia Podcast

Aug 27, 2021

Welcome to episode 167 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra is joined by Robert (@mastermindrob7) host of Dad Needs to Talk Podcast,  James (@that1welderguy)  host of Kicking Stones Podcast, Benjamin Banks (@kingbenji_banks) co-host of Levelling Up With Benjamin Banks, and returning guest Sean Aitchison (@Sean8UrSon) host of The Sonic Podcast.

We go over news (2:12),talk about the live action movie (6:29), discuss anime ep 107 "More A Hero Than Anyone (17:01), and ep 108 "My Villain Academia" (27:15),  take listener thoughts (44.11), and spoilers start at 48:44.

We discuss the official release of manga chapter 323 “That Single Step" (9:09) 

If you are  medically able to get the covid 19 vaccine in your area and are not already vaccinated please consider getting it.


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