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My Hero Academia Podcast

Oct 24, 2020

Welcome to the My Hero Academia Podcast! This week Kendra, James, and Gary are joined by Jay Perior (@jayperior) as we discuss My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Chapters 86-88 (9:36), and answer some emails (51:45). 


Oct 17, 2020

Welcome to episode 125 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra and James are joined by special guest Benjamin Banks (@kingbenji_banks).

We go over some news (1:50), talk about our favourite Kirishima moments to celebrate his birthday(3:45) and discuss the official release of manga chapter 288 "Save Takeo"...

Oct 13, 2020

Welcome to episode 124 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra, and James are joined by special guest Benjamin Banks (@kingbenji_banks).

We go over some news and discuss the official release of manga chapter 287 "Mistake" (3:17)

You can donate to the Okra Project here. 

Oct 5, 2020

Welcome to episode 123 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra, James, and Gary joined by special guest Benjamin Banks (@kingbenji_banks).

We go over some news (1:24), and discuss the official release of manga chapter 286 "The Ones Within Us" (9:12)

You can donate to the Okra Project here.