Apr 27, 2023
Welcome to episode 243 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra (@sniperofmyheart) is joined by Justin (@Justin_Legends) guitar in @superfuturenyc/cohost on @snack_bar_pod and professional wrestler Benjamin Banks (@kingbenji_banks) cohost on @LevelingUpBanks
Just a quick reminder that the podcast has gone biweekly.
We talk about the latest news ( 1:42), discuss Chapter 385 "The Impulses of Youth" (12:17) with a spoiler warning for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (35:00-35:08), then
take listener thoughts on the chapter (36:42). We also talk about Chapter 386 "I Am Here" (47:12) with a spoiler warning for Jojo's Bizzare Adventures part 3 and 4 spoilers (50:44-51:45) and Naruto spoilers (57:03). Finally we take listerner thoughts on the chapter (1:08:00) and round it out (1:25:21)
And a big thank you to our patrons Trainee: KCG,Zachary, That1Welder Guy, Jenna, Kendra, The Real Jory, and Robert. Pro Heros: Yuriko and Morgan
Justin's Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4fmyccgx4KYObpbUejUq2s?si=krl1PXy7Q1GYe665VxJsMA&nd=1
Justin's Band: https://open.spotify.com/album/5ZaZwntzuvhEfDetasHfxx?si=J5v9GYeKQfyI8qJ9xvUuKg&nd=1
Benjamin Banks' Podcast: https://pod.link/levelingupbanks
Kendra's other Podcast: The View From the Top https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/view-from-the-top/id1452919177
MHAP Patreon https://www.patreon.com/MHAPod
@MHAPOD myheropod@gmail.com www.mhapod.com